Welcome to Global Trademark Pros, your trusted partner in the realm of intellectual property protection. Established with the mission to empower businesses, large and small, we pride ourselves on being the go-to destination for efficient and affordable trademark registration services. Our journey is fueled by a team of industry-recognized top trademark attorneys with extensive experience, ensuring that your brand is safeguarded with precision and care.
At Global Trademark Pros, we redefine the trademark registration experience. Our speedy 1-minute application process, starting at just $49, reflects our commitment to making legal protection accessible to all. Backed by a wealth of knowledge and a dedication to excellence, our trademark attorneys guide you through every step, meeting the stringent standards set by the USPTO.
Welcome to Global Trademark Pros, your trusted partner in the realm of intellectual property protection. Established with the mission to empower businesses, large and small, we pride ourselves on being the go-to destination for efficient and affordable trademark registration services. Our journey is fueled by a team of industry-recognized top trademark attorneys with extensive experience, ensuring that your brand is safeguarded with precision and care.
At Global Trademark Pros, we redefine the trademark registration experience. Our speedy 1-minute application process, starting at just $49, reflects our commitment to making legal protection accessible to all. Backed by a wealth of knowledge and a dedication to excellence, our trademark attorneys guide you through every step, meeting the stringent standards set by the USPTO.
At Global Trademark Pros, our mission is to deliver exceptional trademark services that safeguard and elevate our clients' brands. We are dedicated to offering expert advice and thorough solutions, ensuring that each trademark we manage receives the recognition and legal protection it merits.
Integrity: We believe in honest, transparent, and ethical practices in all our dealings.
Excellence: We are committed to delivering high-quality services and exceeding client expectations.
Innovation: We continuously seek innovative solutions to protect our clients intellectual property.
Client-Centric: Our clients are at the heart of everything we do, and their satisfaction is our top priority.
If you want to protect your trademark globally and ensure no one infringes upon it through digital mediums such as social platforms, websites, or e-commerce stores, choose our international trademark protection
Using your USPTO trademark application as a basis, we file a single application with WIPO for international registration. This allows you to assert your trademark rights worldwide, thus enabling you to acquire suspension orders and other companies under US jurisdiction and take down infringing domains, social media accounts, and e-commerce listings.
Secure your brand's global presence today & get International Trademark Protection.
Explore our specialized services designed to safeguard your intellectual property and boost your
brand's online presence.
personalized, holistic financial solutions that align with our clients' unique aspirations and
Contact Global Trademark Pros for comprehensive trademark registration, copyright protection, and more.
Protect Your Logo, Symbol, & Brand Name
Protect Your Logo, Symbol, & Brand Name